Sunday, December 14, 2008

Watch this Space

Well fellow scrappers prepare to be jealous. My scrap room is going to be awesome. I have made the decision to do a renovation rescue on the sunroom. Yesterday I spent the day buying supplies and removing everything out of the room and filling holes and general preparation. This morning I spent sanding the window edges and started painting. For those that know my sunroom it has horrible wood paneling on the walls, so I thought painting it a nice cream couldn't look any worse. I also bought some cube shelving from Fantastic furniture and some fab hot pink and lime green drawer type things to put in it. I am also going to head back to the paint shop to find something to paint over the tiles as they are horrible too.

I took some before photos (of course) so watch this space, I am going to be a busy bee getting this all finished before NYE when my friends will be decending upon me. Will put up the "before" photos soon.


Cass said...

Yep, jealous already. Still dreaming of that extension to give a scrap area of my own!

LisaW said...

Can't wait to see it (and use it!)!!